While I know fall doesn't actually start for a few more weeks and the weather person may not agree it feels like fall around here. This part weekend was the start of my maternity leave and that is making me feel all the fall vibes because this little girl is going to be a fall baby.
I am trying to keep my expectations for what I will accomplish in fall as low as I can but the one thing I know that is happening is this little miss will finally make her official debut into this world. She is due in about 3 weeks though I know technically it could be any where from today to about 5 weeks from today.
Everything that absolutely has to be done before her arrival is done so now my do to list is just things I would like to do. It is a mix of the really important things like get a pedicure and cleaning/organizing around my house.
I always love decorating my house for all the fall holidays and while I may not put up specific Halloween or Thanksgiving decorations I am planning to at least get out some general fall decor in the next few days.

Everything else fall I am just trying to take it as it comes because as a first time mom I have no idea what to expect or what I will feel up to.