I am sad that my weekend has come to an end but I am comforting myself with the fact that this week is only 3 days of work and then we are off to Hawaii!
Friday night the fiancee and I went out to dinner downtown to celebrate my promotion. Yay! We spend a ton to time together since we work in the same building but it is still nice to have a date night out just us.
Saturday morning we slept in and then I headed to Pacific Grove to get my hair done. I usually have my hairdresser just style my hair with its natural curl but this time she blew it out and then used a big curling iron to put some curl in. I almost never blow my hair dry (and if I do I usually flat iron it afterwards) and I don't think I even own a curling iron at the moment so it is kind of nice to have my hair done in a way I don't do myself.

After I got my hair done I met one of my sisters in Monterey to get pedicures and we all know how much I like my pedicures. I got pretty pink toes! I have a feeling this pedicure won't last as long as my normal pedicures do since I will be in and out of the ocean and the pool for a week but at least they will look pretty to start the trip.
After that I went to my parent's house and gave my mom her birthday present a few days early (her actual birthday is May 6th) so I wouldn't have to bring it to Hawaii and then have her carry it back in her suitcase. We went out to dinner and then I drove home to meet up with my fiancee at his mom's house where they were watching the fight. I don't really know (or care about) boxing but my fiancee is Pilipino so apparently this means he is basically required to watch this fight. I decided to just go with it and ate an ube ice cream sundae while sort of watching.
I don't have any specifically spring towels but I do have two wine towels so those are my current towels of choice!
We got home super late Saturday from my fiancee's mom's house so we slept in again on Sunday morning and then I ventured out to run errands. I had the "privilege" of sitting in this line to get gas at Costco.
After Costco I headed to Trader Joe's for groceries and Target to get a few things I needed for our trip before heading home to do laundry and make pizza dough. I know I know you are jealous of my super exciting life!
We ended up with a ton of flour and yeast at our house so I have made pizza dough a few times in the last month or so. I made a batch to put in the fridge to make pizza later in the week and I made a batch to turn into delicious homemade bread. It was so yummy that I didn't get around to taking a picture until it was half eaten.
Now onto my last week in my current position at work and then when I return from Hawaii I will be starting my new position!
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