Much to my dismay it sold out before it ever went on sale so no dress for me. I had almost forgotten about the pretty dress and then while browsing the sale section I saw the dress. It was on sale and the only size not sold out was medium. That is my size so I decided it was meant to be and added it to my basket. It showed in stock but when I went to checkout it said that the dress was not available to ship to my location. What?!?! I tried a couple of times and it still wouldn't let me buy it!
I ended up giving up on the dress and just bought the two other dresses I had in my cart and calling it a night.
This dress was just too fun and colorful to pass up and I think that it will do really nice things for my waist. Hopefully it is as cute as I imagine it to be. I am hoping it is delivered in time to possibly wear to a bridal shower next weekend but then again I might want to wear the other dress I bought to the shower. A good problem to have.

The black one is a little dressier than it looked in the picture but fits well. It accentuates all the right places and who doesn't need another little black dress. Anthropologie and I have a hit and miss relationship but lately I have been loving their stuff. A lot of things there are just too expensive for me to justify buying but sometimes when things are on sale they are in my price range.
I did a few other things this week besides online shopping, I promise! Work has been pretty busy and it added to the busyness that my manager is out of the country on vacation. I have been interviewing candidates for a position in our department, running our unit in my manager's absence and still trying to do my everyday tasks. I am glad it's Friday is an understatement!
I also made a lasagna in portobello mushrooms which turned our really well. My fiancee like them so much he asked me to make another batch the next day. It is a variation on a Skinny Taste recipe so it actually fairly low in calories.
Hope everyone has a great Friday and enjoy your three day weekend!
Norman told me about the lasagna mushrooms!! They look amazing!