Welcome to Wedding Wednesday!
Today I an continuing with my recap of my November with the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal (and wedding) were in my hometown so my husband and I got up early to drive down to my parents house to help with some last minute prep.
My sister flew in the night before the rehearsal so my whole family was there for the rehearsal. Even just walking in with my parents at the rehearsal I could tell that I wasn't going to make it down the aisle the next day without crying.
There was a lot of giggling as we practiced walking in a straight line and figured out where to stand but I wasn't concerned.

The shoes I am wearing didn't really go with the outfit but they were the ones I was wearing the next day so I wanted to make sure I was used to walking on the church carpet with them on. I had no desire to trip and fall walking down the aisle!

As is often the way when we get together I am wearing my sister's dress and she is wearing one of mine. One of the many nice things about having a sister. This wedding enabled me to add two new sisters in addition to the two already awesome sisters I have had in my life forever.
After we had successfully practiced walking in and such we proceeded to Georgio's for dinner. This was our second choice for dinner (our first was too full for our big party size) but it turned out to be perfect.

Most of these pictures came off of my brother-in-laws camera so they are all of one end of the table. I promise there was a whole other end of the table that helped us celebrate too. If any of my fabulous family have pictures of the other end of the table please send them my way!
I didn't take a picture of my food but conveniently my niece ordered the same thing and someone took a picture of her with her food. The pesto gnocchi was delicious!
I will leave you with a picture of our two mom's.
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