The sale opened to Nordstrom card holders on Thursday so first thing Thursday morning that was the first website I visited when I woke up. There are a few things I buy every year (underwear obviously) but I had a mental list of the things I wanted to look for.
I had decided I wanted a cross-body purse for my upcoming European honeymoon so I ordered couple to look at.
I don't need two cross body bags so once they come in the mail I will have to see which one I like better and return the other one.
I took the same strategy with coats. I am in need of a new casual everyday coat to wear this winter and to take on my honeymoon so I ordered three options.
Option 1 but I ordered it in "Oxblood" which is like it sounds a reddish burgundy color.
Option 2 but in a lovely navy blue color.
Option 3 which I ordered in the green color shown in the picture.
I like all three coats but I am really fond of the lovely green color of the third option so I am secretly hoping that is the one that fits the best.

I went to my local store yesterday and got a few additional items and I ordered a few more things to try out and I also ordered a few things that are going to be gifts but I am saving those for another day. Once I get everything I ordered/bought I will post about what I ended up keeping and how the two sports bras stack up to each other.
Now onto the main event. A years worth of underwear! I pretty much excluseivly wear Hanky Panky thongs with the mid-rise being my absolute favorites. They are not cheap and the mid-rise are not always available year round so I make sure I really do stock up on enough to last me until next year.
FYI: My butt does not look anything like this model's. Poor girl!
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