I haven't done this in a few months but today I am linking up with What's Up Wednesday again.
What we're eating this week: Despite the fact that is fairly hot here still I decided to ignore that and make a pot of soup. I made a delicious white bean soup this week.

What I'm reminiscing about: I am reminiscing about all the wonderful wedding festivities of this summer and realizing that I still haven't written about the wedding or the events leading up to on this blog.
What I'm loving: I am loving going through all the wedding photos and trying to pick out the best ones. I have been busy recently but have finally started looking through the professional ones so I can put together an album.
What we've been up to: Well unfortunately my grandfather passed away a couple of weeks ago so my husband and I spend last weekend at my parent's house for the funeral. It was a sad occasion but it was still quite a treat to be able to have my whole family together. Both my sisters are in school on the east coast so it was nice to get an opportunity to see them ahead of their Christmas break.
What I'm dreading: I am trying to keep a positive attitude at the moment. There are some things happening around me that I have no control over so I am just trying to focus my energy on the positive and not dwell on what I can't change. I just have so many things pulling me in different directions I am just trying to keep a balance.
What I'm working on: I am working on the final details of planning our European honeymoon. We have all the plane and train tickets booked and just have some final planning of our time in each destination left to do.
What I'm excited about: I am super excited about our upcoming honeymoon. We will be traveling to Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic next month. Not a traditional relaxing honeymoon location but we are excited.
What I'm watching/reading: A little late to this bandwagon but a couple of weeks ago my husband and I finally started watching Downton Abby. We are about halfway through the series and we are addicted.
What I'm listening to: Mostly whatever comes on my Pandora which is usually a mix of country and a random mix of 90s-00s pop music. Everyone needs some Britney in their life every once in a while. I have been working on a project at work that is a bit repudiative so my headphones have been on a lot this week.
What I'm wearing: With all working out I have been doing in addition to my new
sports bra I also got myself a new workout outfit. I normally stick to black Zella workout
pants but decided to try something a little different with these
striped ones.
I have still been living in navy blue and white
romper/jumpsuit with my favorite
cardigan and
tassel necklace. I am pretty sure I have worn this outfit at least once a week since I bought the romper/jumpsuit. How do retailers decide when to call something a romper and when to call it a jumpsuit? It doesn't seem to follow any rules!
What I'm doing this weekend: Not too exciting on my agenda this weekend. I think it will be a combination of cleaning, cooking and trying to finish up honeymoon planning. My sister is celebrating her birthday Friday so I will be sending her lots of Happy Birthday messages!
Happy Wednesday!