Our kitchen is a one butt kitchen but is serves its purpose. The color of the cabinets is not great but we are not dedicated enough to bother painting it. When I first moved in we had white knobs on the cabinets but I have since replaced them with some pretty brushed silver ones.
As we have had to replace things over time we are replacing them with brushed stainless steal appliances but our trusty stove/oven is still functioning properly so it stays in its original state.

I love our dishwasher! When I first moved in we had a dishwasher that by no means effective so we mainly used it as a drying rack. As soon as we got a new high powered dishwasher my husband commented he wondered why he waited so long to replace the old dishwasher. He had never had a "good" dishwasher and didn't know what he was missing.
Around the same time we bought a new dishwasher my very handy husband replaced our sink, garbage disposal and faucets. He did a great job with it an it looks great.
Not the most glamours kitchen but it works for now. Someday I will have something much larger and grander but not yet.
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