The other part of undergarments are underwear and while I know some people can't imagine spending $20 on a pair of underwear I have never found anything that fit as well and last as long as Hanky Panky so I spend the money. While they are no means cheap they are cheaper at around $14 during the Nordstrom Anniversary sale in July so I try to stock up then for the whole year. My husband laughs when I tell him I am going shopping for a years worth of underwear but he knows it is true.

While I tend to spend money on undergarments I don't then to spend too much money on my everyday clothes. Not so say I don't spend money on some of my clothes especially things that are classic or that I know I will wear a ton but in general my closet is made up of things I got on sale. I love keeping my eyes out for cute pieces and then wait for them to go on sale to buy them. One of the best places to buy things on sale is The Loft. I don't think I ever buy something full price there because they have sales pretty much every other week.
I have had my eye on this boatneck shirt for a while so when I saw it on sale over the weekend I ordered it. It looks so cute on the model so I hope it looks as cute on me.

I bought this dress a few months ago but I wore it for the first time today. The weather here has been cold and rainy for weeks so this fun flowered dress seemed like the perfect way to counteract the weather. The colors are so pretty and for less than $30 I couldn't resist it.
Can't wait to see what others splurge on and find some new steals with Show and Tell Tuesday.
Good bras and underwear-heck yeah!!!