Now that summer is officially over (hear that weatherman?? over!) I figured I should recap a few of the fun things I did over the summer that didn't quite need a whole post of their own. Somehow these pictures did not end up in chronological order so just go with it.

After going to an escape room with a couple of coworkers earlier in the summer word got around how fun it was and another trip was planned. This time we were about 2 or 3 minutes away from escaping so we were so sad we didn't make it.
I don't watch much baseball (or really an sport) on TV but I always enjoy see games live. My sister in law and niece and I decided to get tickets to a game since they had never been to a San Francisco Giants game.
When at a baseball game calories don't count right?? It was a fun night of baseball, junk food and the Giants actually winning a game.
I was the committee that planned our yearly work retreat this year and one of the activities we had planned was for each unit to make a coat of arms that represented what they do. I thought our turned out pretty well and it was definitely the most glittery and colorful.

I am a member of a woman's organization and this summer our social event's theme "Class Reunion of 67". It was a dress up party so I threw on a long colorful dress and made a flower crown and called it a day.

Since the party was a pot luck and we had moved about a week prior to the event I opted for easy. Root beer floats for the win. I just grabbed some ice cream, root beer and plastic cups. So easy and it was a big hit.

Almost every year since I was a little kid I have gone berry picking at a farm in Watsonville with family. This year my mom and I were the only ones who were able to go. Some years we pick one kind of berry and other years we are able to pick multiple kinds. This year we picked blackberries and olallieberries. We were there right at the beginning of blackberry season so there were not as many as if we had come a week or 2 later but we were there at the peak of olallieberry season.
Every good berry picking trip ends with a trip to the bakery for dessert and this one was no different. The strawberry shortcake was delicious!

In July my husband and I went down to my parent's house to celebrate my dad's birthday. My parents bought this thing at a charity auction where a chef comes your house and cooks dinner so the dinner was extra fun.
Not only did they cook all the food but they brought all the dishes and decorations for the party too. The table looked so pretty.
The only food I managed to take a picture of was the meeting and cheese plate. Once the party got started I was too busy talking to people and having fun to remember to get my phone out.
Only a few months late but that pretty much sums up all the fun little adventures of the summer. Recap of our Las Vegas trip and my trip to see my sisters in NYC at the end of the summer still to come.
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