At the end of August my husband and I took a little trip to Las Vegas. Yes, it was hot. Too hot but it was the most convenient time for us to go so we braved the heat. We started our trip off right with a cocktail in the airport.
We few in Saturday in the middle of the afternoon so it gave us just enough time settle into our room before setting out to find some dinner. We were staying at the Tropicana so we decided to be lazy and just eat at one of the restaurants there.
After dinner my husband headed back to the room for a nice quiet evening but I hopped in an Uber to head over to Planet Hollywood to see........Britney Spears!
I got there with plenty of time to spare so I grabbed a drink and walked around the mall near the theatre.

Taking pictures during a concert doesn't result in very good photos but I took a bunch anyway. I have never been to a concert alone before (there was no way my husband would be caught dead at a Britney concert) so it was a new experience. Can't say it was as fun as going with a group of friends but if I have no one to go with I would do it again.
Sunday morning we slept in a bit and then had to watch a timeshare presentation. After we finished watching the presentation we headed a couple of blocks off the strip the the Hofbrauhaus restaurant for a late lunch.

My husband loves german food and german beer so he was in heaven. The food was delicious. Not as good as when we were actually in Germany last year but it definitely hit the spot.

In addition to the good food and drinks there was plenty to do there. They had a host playing songs and games with the diners. One of the games was to hold a stein of beer up using only one arm for as long as possible. I am definitely not known for my upper body strength but out of the 4 woman that participated I game in 2nd.

After we finished eating we went to the next room over which was done up like a beer garden complete with a night sky painted on the ceiling. There were a bunch of pub games to play and we played all of them. I won at corn hole and beer pong while my husband won at giant jenga.
By the time we finished playing games we had room for a dessert trio to end our german meal.
After a big lunch we headed back to the hotel and ended up just having a late dinner at another restaurant in our hotel.
Monday morning we decided to brave the heat and explore the hotels nearby. We stopped in a the M&M store for some air conditioning and looked at all the chocolate. We didn't buy anything but we did try on some enormous shoes!
We ended up in New York New York so we decided to have lunch. After looking at all of our options we ended up deciding to go to the Irish pub and it was a good decision! No shortage of calories in all this food but it was oh so delicious!

That afternoon husband decided to take a nap in the air conditioned room while I headed down to the pool. I grabbed a big slushy cocktail on my way to the pool to keep myself cool. It was late enough in the afternoon that most of pool deck was in the shade which was fine by me. I sat by the pool for a couple of hours in the shade and every time I got hot I just got in the pool for a few minutes to cool off. A quite enjoyable afternoon.
For our last dinner in Vegas we went to a delicious Italian in the MGM Grand. The whole mean was delicious but the dessert was probably the best thing we ate our entire trip. My husband is still bitter that we shared it and he didn't order his own.

This delicious desert was a triple bread pudding. Dark chocolate bread pudding, milk chocolate sauce and topped white chocolate ice cream. Ohhhh so good!
Tuesday we slept in and wondered around New York New York again before flying back home and back to reality.
This was my week of vacations because after returning from Vegas on Tuesday I went to work for 2 days than then took off to New York City on Friday with my family. Recap on that coming soon!