What we're eating this week: I only get them a couple of times a month but this week was one of the weeks I got a meal prep delivery box. We have been working on eating more fruits and vegetables so I decided to order the Hello Fresh vegetarian box this week. Our first meal was called a Sunshine Bowl and was a chickpea, sweet potato and ferro bowl. It was delicious.
What I'm reminiscing about: I have been fairly busy lately so I have really been wishing for a beach vacation to just sit and soak up the sun while reading a good book.
What I'm loving: I am loving that the weather is warming up around here but it hasn't gotten super hot yet. I am sure it is coming soon but for now I am enjoying the warm not hot weather.
What we've been up to: This past weekend I went to a tea party with my mom. The theme was "Bee Happy" hence the fabulous head pieces and the fun picture frame. We didn't do it on purpose but we both ended up wearing polka dot dresses to the tea.
What I'm working on: I am working on eating healthy and continuing to go to the gym consistently. I usually have one pair of tennis shoes at work for walks and one pair at home to wear to the gym but I have been going to the gym so consistantly that I decided I needed a second pair for the gym. I got a great pair of grey gym shoes that are super lightweight.
What I'm watching/reading: Earlier this year all 15 seasons of ER showed up on Hulu so I am slowly working my way thorough that. I have seen some whole seasons and others episodes as reruns but have never watched the whole thing in chronological order. I am all the way through season 9 and just started season 10 so probably another month or so before I finish the whole thing.

Happy Wednesday!