What we're eating this week: It has been pretty warm here recently so I have been trying to avoid using the oven too much. I would like to avoid using the stove too but that is easier said than done. I have been loving salads with grains in them recently.
What I'm reminiscing about: I have been fairly busy lately so I have really been wishing for a beach vacation to just sit and soak up the sun while reading a good book. It probably won't be happening anytime soon but I can dream.

What I'm loving: I am loving that my youngest sister has an summer job about half an hour away so she has been living at our house for the past month. She is only here another week but we have done some fun things while she has been here. Last weekend we even went to Raging Waters.
What we've been up to: This past weekend my husband and I went down to my parents' house to celebrate my dad's birthday. My mom bought a bunch of cheese and said make this look pretty. I think my cheese plate turned out pretty well!
What I'm working on: I am working on eating healthy and continuing to go to the gym consistently. I got some new workout leggings at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and they have been getting plenty of use.
What I'm watching/reading: Earlier this year all 15 seasons of ER showed up on Hulu so I am slowly working my way thorough that. I have seen some whole seasons and others episodes as reruns but have never watched the whole thing in chronological order. I am a couple of episodes away from the end so I should finish the whole series by the end of the week.

What I'm wearing: I just got part of my Nordstrom order (the rest is supposed to arrive today) so I have lots of new fun things to wear. It is still a little too warm to wear this dress and this fun plaid shirt but as soon as the weather cools off I will be ready. In the meantime I bought two new versions of t-shirt since I love the other ones I have from previous years. I have lots of solid color ones so this year I got two different striped versions.
Happy Wednesday!
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