Today is a very random assortment of random facts about me in no particular order. Some of them are more obvious than others if you have been reading for a while!

I am the oldest of three girls. No family resemblance there at all! Ha! One of my sisters is in medical school at the moment and the other one is in law school at the moment.
My husband and I got married twice about 7 months apart. We had already started to plan my dream wedding in Hawaii when we decided that we needed to push up the wedding due to his mother's health. We planned our first wedding in about 6 weeks but also continued with the planning of our wedding in Hawaii. The first wedding was at a church in my hometown and then we had a reception at my parents house. Even with the short notice all of our immediate family was able to come and I found a dress in time (two of my biggest worries) so it was a really wonderful day. Our second wedding was in Hawaii overlooking the ocean and was everything I had been imagining for years. I wore a different dress but used the same sparkly belt to tie the two days together.

My birthday is on Christmas. My mom always says it wasn't her idea and it wasn't mine either so really it was the doctor who ended up doing the c-section on Christmas. Let's go with that theory. Most of the time I don't mind and people were really good about keeping my birthday separate from Christmas when I was a kid but as an adult it kind of gets lost in the season.

While I was in grad school (and for a little while after) I worked for Nordstrom. I worked in the lingerie department and loved it. I was a certified bra fitter and was also certified in fitting prosthesis for woman who have had breast cancer. Even to this day my entire underwear drawer is full of things from Nordstrom and I can't wear ill fitting undergarments. So spoiled. Wondering about the drink? This is the Peach Italian Soda and my favorite thing to order at the E-Bar.
At a woman's size 7 my feet are fairly small so I can actually wear kids shoes. A woman's 7 is a children's 5 so if you have small feet you too can wear
kids shoes. They are usually about half the price and in my experience they last just as long as the
adult version.
My favorite color is purple and always has been!

I have loved Beauty and the Beast since the first day I saw it as a kid. I have seen the movie about a zillion times and have seen the Broadway show probably half a dozen times. My sisters even made my bridal shower Beauty and the Beast themed. Try the grey stuff, it's delicious!
I have a weird government job title but what it really translates to is manager of special projects and sometimes those projects involve me dressing up in a hard hat and vest.
I went to a small liberal arts woman's college in Southern California called Scripps and loved it. Scripps is where I met many of my best friends and had so many good adventures. My grandmother actually also went to Scripps so that made it extra special.

If you aren't new around here this will come as no surprise but I LOVE Disneyland. I have had an annual pass off and on since college and in recent years if I don't have a trip planned (even if it is many months away) I feel the Disneyland withdrawals. My pass is currently expired as of around Thanksgiving and I am debating whether or not to get a new one when I go in the spring. In addition to Disney blog posts I also often post my Disney adventures on
my Instagram so feel free to follow along.
Hope you enjoyed learning a few fun facts about me today!
I have never been to Disneyland but we LOVE Disney World (so I'm sure I'd love that too!).