I am solidly in my third trimester now but figured it was time to do a little recap of the second half of my second trimester.

Right around week 20 I went in for my anatomy scan. Other than the first couple of appointments at this point I had gone to the prenatal appointments by myself but this one my husband came along. We obviously already knew the gender but it was still so fun to get to see lots of different angles of our little girl and try to see if we could tell who she looked like. This was the first ultrasound that she actually looked like a baby!
Right after I hit 20 weeks I hopped on a plane and flew to the east coast to see one sister graduate from med school and then the other one graduate from law school. They graduated 9 days apart in 2 different east coast states so I just stayed on the east coast rather than fly there and back twice. On the flights I just made sure I drank lots of water and got up to walk frequently but I really didn't have any problems with the flights. More details on the whole trip in a later post!

After I got back from my trip I just kind of laid low for the next few weeks. I did lots of product research and worked on figuring out what to put on our baby registry. I was still sleeping pretty well at this point and only getting up once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I was going to the gym 3 or 4 days a week but sometime around the end of May I stopped using the water rower and started using the strider instead.

I had another doctor appointment at 24 weeks and again took my husband with me. He di dn't really need to be there for any reason other than I wanted him to meet my OBGYN since the appointments he had been to had all been at the IVF clinic instead of with my regular doctor. Everything was looking good and the baby and I were checked out all good. At this appointment the doctor put in the order for me to go and take my glucose test sometime before my 28 week appointment. I went that weekend to just get it over with. It was still orange and nasty but this time it didn't make me feel horrible for the rest of the day so that was an improvement. I got the results a few days later and I passed with flying colors so no gestational diabetes for me.

Somewhere around 25 or 26 weeks my husband and I flew to New York City to attend a wedding in Brooklyn. Due to all of our other travel commitments this summer we didn't really have time to go on a relaxing babymoon so we decided to kind of make this trip our babymoon. Again more on this trip in a separate post. We took a red-eye flight and again I made sure to get up and walk often and while I was definitely not comfortable I was okay on the flight. The flight back was less fun because due to the heat and all the walking my feet were already kind of swollen so flying just made them even more swollen. I wore compression socks but I don't know if they actually did any good.

Somewhere right around the end of the second trimester I started to worry about outgrowing some of my maternity clothes. Not in the belly but in the chest! I was up to either a 36G or 34H and I still had 2 or 3 months to go. I got some hand me down maternity clothes from someone at work and the main reason some of them didn't fit me was because of the chest.
Near the end of the second trimester some nights I was still waking up once a night to go to the bathroom and others I would wake up twice. The most annoying part of that was if I woke up a second time it was always like an hour before I would have to get up anyway!
Overall I am definitely having a smooth pregnancy and I am very thankful for that!
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