Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What's Up Wednesday!

It is time for another What's Up Wednesday and it is the first one I have done in quite a while!

What we're eating this week: 
 Since we are still not really going anywhere my husband and I have kind of made it our Friday tradition to get take-out on Fridays to support local restaurants and give us a break from cooking 

What I'm reminiscing about:
Disneyland is finally opening back up at the end of April so all the news about it's reopening has me thinking about all the times I have been and how this has been the longest in my adult life I have gone without going to Disneyland. I was supposed to take my daughter this past November but obviously that didn't happen.

What I'm loving:
 I am loving this little cutie and seeing her grow and change everyday.  It feels like she learns a new word or a new skill almost everyday and she is just growing up so fast. 

What we've been up to: Mostly just enjoying our warmer weekends with many walks and trips to the park. Ellie is a big fan of swings, the slide and finding sticks to carry around.

What I'm dreading: We have started the process of getting Ellie a sibling so all the IVF hormones and shots take quite the toll on your body so I kind of dread taking them each day.  I know it is what I need to do but it is still hard physically and emotionally.

What I'm working on: Taxes. Not the most exciting thing but has to get done

What I'm excited about: While I am dreading the parts of the IVF process I am really excited about hopefully adding a new member to our family some time this year.  Fingers crossed.

What I'm watching/reading: I have been watching old seasons of The Amazing Race because they are fun and easy to watch in the background of whatever I am doing.

What I'm listening to: Mostly whatever comes on our Echo which is usually a mix of country and a random mix of 90s-00s pop music.  Everyone needs some Britney in their life every once in a while.

What I'm wearing:
A lot of yoga pants and comfy tops at the moment but as the weather has been warming up I have been trying to wear my dresses more. It just makes me feel more productive to be dressed after working from home for so many months.

What I'm doing this weekend: Easter with this cutie! She loves putting things in and out of containers so I am sure she is going to love hunting Easter eggs and by hunting I mean gather up the eggs that we place on the ground for her to "find". I don't think she is quite ready to hunt but gather she has got!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Sending you lots of positivity for your IVF journey! It is hard but remind yourself that you are strong and listen to what your body is telling you. I have 2 IVF babies 💙💙

  2. I'm catching up on reading my What's Up Wednesday posts a lot late :) Sending you lots of hope and prayers for your IVF journey. I hope it's successful soon.
