Monday, January 20, 2020

I'm Back (Hopefully)

It's been a long time since I have sat down to write a post here.  Hello third trimester and the first 3 months of motherhood! I have a whole bunch of partially written posts from the last few months of my pregnancy and many posts about the first 3 months of motherhood that I want to write so hopefully those will start showing up soon but in the meantime I am also going to start writing about current things as I don't want to forget these moments either.

As anyone who follows me on Instagram or Facebook has already seen in October I give birth to my beautiful daughter.  The post about her birth is top on my backlog priority list because it is not something I want to forget so expect that whole story soon!

Short version is she was born healthy and my husband and I are so in love!

More to come soon but in the meantime happy 2020!