It has been months since I did one but I decided it was time for a What's Up Wednesday.
What we're eating this week: I made a big pot of spaghettini sauce this weekend so that will take care of many of our meals. Our niece is having a birthday on Thursday so we are going out to celebrate that night.
What I'm reminiscing about: I am reminiscing years of Christmas past and looking forward to celebrating this year. I love that I get to see my whole family at Christmas and I appreciate it even more now that my sisters live on the other side of the country.
What I'm loving: I am loving the Christmas season and all that goes with it. I love seeing houses all lit up at night as I drive home at night (though this doesn't mean I like it getting dark so early) and I love coming home to my Christmas tree all lit up.
What we've been up to: After a fairly eventful summer and fall we have been trying to have a quiet winter. We have spent evenings at home and enjoyed all of Christmas ornaments.
What I'm dreading: I am not really dreading anything at the moment though I am always dreading cleaning my house since no matter how many times I clean it it just doesn't stay clean.
What I'm working on: I am working on wrapping up the last of the Christmas presents I have bought for my family and friends. Everything is purchases and the last couple of things arrive from Amazon tomorrow. This years tree will soon look a lot like last years tree all surrounded by presents.
What I'm excited about: I am super excited about seeing my family this weekend for Christmas and I am also super excited that I am going to Disney World with my parents and one of my sisters in January. We are taking advantage of MLK weekend and making a long weekend even longer. As much as I go to Disneyland I have not been to Disney World in years so I am super excited to see what has changed since the last time I was there. This also gives me an opportunity to wear all my Disney accessories.
What I'm watching/reading: My husband and I have finally jumped on the bandwagon and are watching the Walking Dead. We are about 6 seasons behind so it gives us lots to watch. I spend half the time covering my eyes because it is so gory but it it still interesting.
What I'm listening to: Mostly whatever comes on my Pandora which is usually a mix of country and a random mix of 90s-00s pop music. Everyone needs some Britney in their life every once in a while.
What I'm wearing: Between Christmas shopping for other people and this whole having a broken foot thing I have not been doing too much shopping for myself. I did manage to snag a new pair of fun flannel
pajamas and this fabulous
night shirt to wear this winter.
What I'm doing this weekend: All things Christmas obviously! We are spending Christmas Eve with my husband's family and then driving down to my parents' house to spend Christmas with my family. Along with it being Christmas it is also my birthday so I am looking forward to celebrating that too.
Happy Wednesday!
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