I have no shortage of ornaments for my tree. In fact many of the ornaments end up not even on my tree. I do use many of the ornaments in other ways in my decor but there are generally at least a few ornaments that don't even make it out each year.

Among my many ornaments I have quite a few that have stories behind them so I thought I would talk about a few of those. This A ornament is one of my newest additions to my collection. I bought this last year while out shopping for presents for other people. I had just gotten married and I was excited to have something on our tree that represented this new marriage. I have yet to legally change my name but A will be my new last initial soon.

My husband didn't come into adulthood with a collection of ornaments like I did so our first Christmas together the whole tree was full of my ornaments. I wanted him to have something on the tree that wasn't "mine" so bought him this beer ornament. I used a permanent marker to write his name on it and I signed the bottom for him. We now have multiple joint ornaments but his was the first one that was his.
It is no secret that Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie so it is probably not a surprise that I have multiple ornaments from the movie. Last year I got this Belle shoe and a few years ago I got this fairly large Belle with a huge tule skirt. I also have a Mrs. Potts and a little Chip ornaments somewhere on the tree!

I got this guard at Buckingham Palace about 5 years ago when I went to England to watch one of my best friends get married. Funny story is that I bought matching ones for my sisters and I but since the wedding was in September I put them away to save for Christmas. Christmas came and went and I had put them "somewhere safe" so I completely forgot to get them out and give them to my sisters. I gave them to them the next year instead!
All throughout my childhood I always knew what my grandparents were going to give me for my birthday. Every year I (and my sisters and cousins) got some version of the same thing so that we developed a collection by the time we were eighteen. The collections were everything from mirrors to birdhouses to nutcrackers. Every year I got a Santa Claus of some sort since my birthday is on Christmas. These are two of my childhood Santas.
As my birthday is on Christmas it is only fitting that I have a happy birthday ornament on my tree too.
Now that you have seen bits and pieces of my tree it seems only fitting that you see the whole thing in all its glory
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