It is time for a What's Up Wednesday.
What we're eating this week: I decided to start off the year by trying out some
meal kit subscription services and I am tried Blue Apron first and then moved on to Hello Fresh. This week is my first (of 3) week of Plated. In the last few weeks I have had some delicious dishes and a couple that weren't my favorite. Last night I had delicious chicken empenadas.
What I'm reminiscing about: I am reminiscing about my fabulous trip to Disney World that I just took with my parents and one of my sisters. We missed my husband and my other sister but had a wonderful time. I guess it is a good thing I am planning to go to Disneyland in March!
What I'm loving: I am loving that after a fairly quiet February I have a couple of fun things planned in the upcoming weeks!
What we've been up to: I went down to Salinas this past weekend to attend a charity auction for CSUMB and had a wonderful time but other than that it has been pretty quiet around these parts.
What I'm dreading: I am not really dreading anything at the moment though I am always dreading cleaning my house since no matter how many times I clean it it just doesn't stay clean.
What I'm working on: I am working on eating healthy and continuing to go to the gym consistently now that my foot has pretty much healed. I am in a weight loss challenge at the gym and one at work. I probably won't win either one but they are fun anyway.
What I'm excited about: We are going to Universal Studios with my husband's family at the end of the week. I don't think I have been since I was in college so there are lots of rides I have not been on including all of Harry Potter land.
What I'm watching/reading: My husband and I are finally just about caught up on the Walking Dead and are on the current season. Still very bloody but I like this season better than the previous season. I am still trying to read a book a month. I am only about halfway though my February book but my upcoming road trip should allow me to finish it with no problems.
What I'm listening to: Mostly whatever comes on my Pandora which is usually a mix of country and a random mix of 90s-00s pop music. Everyone needs some Britney in their life every once in a while.
What I'm wearing:
Last month I was waiting for this
shirt to arrive in the mail and thinking I yet would be able to wear it with this
skirt in navy blue and I am happy to report it looks fabulous.
What I'm doing this weekend: Heading to Universal Studios with my husband's family!
Happy Wednesday!