I had fun doing this the last few months so I am linking up with What's Up Wednesday again.
What we're eating this week: Well obviously tomorrow we are eating turkey but I also made a Quiche Loraine this week. Last month we were down at my parent's house and my mom had made quiche to take to an event. She had a leftover one so we took it home with us and my husband fell in love with it. He apparently thought all quiches were boring and gross because the only one had ever had was some kind of spinach one. Ever since he tried my mom's quiche he has been asking me to make another one so I finally got around to asking my mom for the recipe and making it.
What I'm reminiscing about: I am of course still (and will continue to be) thinking about my California wedding. I had so much fun and I love seeing all the pictures everyone took. Many more posts and pictures to come but read the first few posts
here and
What I'm loving: I am loving that while I am having another wedding in June I am officially and legally married to my husband. I love calling him my husband and get butterflies every time I say it.
What we've been up to: Well, if getting married wasn't enough excitement for the month of November I also got a promotion at work. I have a brand new position in my department at work. I had to take a test and do two interviews to get the position so needless to say I worked hard to get the new position and am very happy about it.
What I'm dreading: I am trying to keep a positive attitude at the moment. There are some things happening around me that I have no control over so I am just trying to focus my energy on the positive and not dwell on what I can't change.
What I'm working on: I am currently working on sending out thank you notes to all the people who came to my little shower and also thank you notes to all the fabulous people who came came to my California wedding. I want to get the notes sent out this weekend before the time gets away from me.
What I'm excited about: I am totally a Christmas girl so I can hardly contain my excitement about the upcoming season. I love everything from decorating a tree, to buying presents to going to look at all the pretty lights in the park near our house. Last year my husband and I went to see the lights/display at Christmas in the Park and then went and had hot chocolate in a nearby hotel lobby. I can't wait to do it again this year.
What I'm watching/reading: I am still watching Grimm, The Blacklist and Agents of Shield with my husband but over the weekend I watched the first couple of episodes How to Get Away with Murder and I think I like it. The first season is on Nexflix but not all the second season is on Hulu so I am not sure what I will do when I get through the first season.
What I'm listening to: Mostly whatever comes on my Pandora which is usually a mix of country and a random mix of 90s-00s pop music. Everyone needs some Britney in their life every once in a while. I have been working on a project at work that is a bit repudiative so my headphones have been on a lot this week.
What I'm wearing: I had a gift card to The Loft so I bought myself two new shirts. This
lace blouse came last week and when I wore it with my
jeans on Friday I got so many complements.

It looked great with my jeans but I know it will also looked good tucked into one of my many pencil skirts. As part of my new position I have a feeling I am going to be attending more meetings so my many pencils skirts are going to be getting lots of use.
The other shirt didn't arrive until last night so I am wearing it today. This pretty floral
blouse also looks great with my jeans but can be worn tucked into a pencil skirt on the days I have to be a little more dressed up.
What I'm doing this weekend: Well I, like most of the county, will be doing some combination of eating, shopping, relaxing and hanging out with family. I am having Thanksgiving dinner with my husband's family and went to his mother's house last weekend to decorate her house. I took most of the decorations down at my condo and put them up at her place so it would feel all festive. I have a partial list of what I want to buy our friends and family for Christmas so I am hoping to at least finish making the list if not also buy many of the presents.
What's Your Favorite Christmas Tradition?: I am a huge fan of pretty much everything Christmas so to pick just one favorite tradition is really hard. I love buying presents for people and watching them open them but I guess I have to say my favorite tradition is decorating my Christmas tree. Even when I lived alone I always made sure I had a real tree to decorate and admire during the Christmas season.