This week is a little peak at our master bedroom. It is actually a pretty good sized room if we hadn't tried to fit so much into it.
We currently have a queen sized bed, 2 dressers, a book shelf, a filing cabinet and desk sharing the space.
Forgive the lack of comforter on the bed. They day I took this picture I was sending a picture of my new bamboo sheets to a friend hence the no comforter.

We have a nice view of other people's roofs. #condoliving
See I told you my drawers are never shut all the way. In all reality our desk is used more for piling stuff on than actually used as a desk so that is something that is likely not moving with us unless we end up somewhere with a lot of space. Doesn't seem likely in this area but a girl can dream.
Someday over the rainbow we will be living someplace with room for a king sized bed but for now our room is nice and cozy alas a little crowded. As much as I complain about our condo being small it will always hold a special place in my heart as the first place my husband and I lived together.
Our first house will always be so special to me, even after 3 moves and 14 years! I know you will always treasure this sweet condo.