It is always fun to see what other women carry around in their purses so today I am showing you what is in mine as part of Show and Tell Tuesday.

One of the big advantages and disadvantages of having a big purse it that you can fit a lot of stuff in it. My purse is never light and I am sure after I have kids it will be even heavier. My poor shoulders.
The two big reasons my purse is generally heavy is that I have been known to carry around my bottle of water and a book. I generally don't leave the house without both of these but you will be happy to know if I don't need them I am not opposed to leaving them in the car when I get somewhere. I love my metal water bottle and it is pretty hard to loose because my name is right there on it.

I am addicted to Chapstick so I always have at least one in my bag (and one on my dresser, one on my desk, one in the living room etc) and depending on the day I have anywhere from one to ohhh ten different lipsticks in my bag. I also have a little compact if I need to touch up my face during the day.
In the spirit of honesty in addition to all the regular purse things that live in my purse you can usually also find about a million receipts, grocery lists, to do lists and other random papers filling up my purse. I am definitely not good at throwing papers out when it is so easy to just shove them back in my purse.
Can't wait to see what other people carry around.
great post friend! so glad i found your blog through the show and tell link up today!