Monday, March 16, 2015

The Weather Was So Hot and a Girl Date

Ummm attention Mr. Weather Man: This is not summer.  In fact it is still technically winter for a few more days.

Apparently the weather man did not get the above memo because on Saturday it was over 90 degrees here and on Sunday it was an oh so cool 80 degrees.

I went to the gym on Saturday morning and when I came out of the gym a wall of heat hit me.  It was not pleasant.  I drove though Starbucks to get a cold drink and ran into Trader Joe's to get a few necessities before coming home to eat lunch and take a shower to cool off.

After cooling off I got dressed and made my best attempt to wear something I wouldn't be too hot and and headed out to meet one of my girlfriends for a girl date.  Dinner and a movie!

We went to Mimi's for dinner and I decided the weather warranted a margarita.  One thing I will never understand is why when you are served a margarita with salt on the rim are you also given a straw.  How do you get the salt in your mouth if you use a straw??  This always puzzles me!

After we ate we grabbed our jackets out of the car just in case by some chance the theater was cold (it wasn't) and got to the movie just in time for the previews to start.  As this was a girl date of course we saw the girliest movie out there.  Cinderella.  The movie was actually pretty cute and the costumes were gorgeous.

We came out of the theater around 9 and it was still about 75 degrees so I knew my condo was going to feel like a furnace when I got home.  My wonderful fiance had remembered to put the fan in our bedroom window so it was actually not as bad as it could have been.

Sunday I slept in a bit and then went to the gym and Trader Joe's to get all the stuff I hadn't gotten the day before.
That afternoon the fiance and I went on a mission to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get some sort of shelving/drawer things for under our bathroom sink.

We ended up with these two sets.

Hopefully once I go though and organize everything under our bathroom sink it will not be such a mess and things won't fall out whenever we open the cabinet.  I think part of the problem is we have no other storage in the bathroom so hopefully being able to put things into two layers will help.  We have the organizers but the actual using of said organizers is a project for another day.  Before and after photos to come when the project is complete.

We finished off the day by relaxing at home and heading to bed early to prepare for the week to come.  Hope everyone had a great weekend too!

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